The Center for Traditional American Values
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Response to the Tragedy in Southeast Asia
In the days since the tragedy in Indonesia and surrounding regions, the generosity of the American people, as well as all citizens of the world, has been enormous. While no amount of generosity can make up for the massive tragedy of the loss of life, the Center for Traditional American Values encourages all Americans to give what they can to any of a number of relief organizations which are accepting donations to support their work in the area*.

The C4TAV also calls on the United States government to follow the example of its people and pledge more than the current $15 million to relief efforts. Even in its slightly slowed state, the US economy is one of the largest in the world and the United States should take the initiative and the lead in providing large-scale relief to those attempting to make sense of this tragedy.

The prayers and thoughts of the C4TAV staff are with those coping with loss and fear in the region.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
The ACLU: "We the People's" first line of defense
Press Release: 12/20/2004

Right-wing commentators and mainstream reporters alike are abuzz this holiday season with reports of "threats to Christmas." A few lawsuits have been filed around the country regarding Christian displays, some of the with the support of the ACLU, and this has led such pundits as Bill O'Reilly to declare that Christmas is "under siege."

The ACLU is in the business of defending the civil liberties of Americans, including their freedom of religion. Their activities on behalf of those who feel that overtly Christian displays at this time of year are an infringement of their first amendment rights has led many on the right to declare the ACLU the "Anti-Christian Legislation Union."

This appelation has very little basis in fact. Randi Rhodes, of the Randi Rhodes show on Air America Radio, recently did a survey of ACLU cases supporting the rights of Christians. These include: defending the rights of street preachers on the strip in Las Vegas, supporting baptisms in a park in Virginia, challenging the censorship on religious grounds of high school yearbook entries, defending students "punished for distributing candy canes with religious messages", challenging zoning decisions restricting African-American churches, supporting a minister who refused for religious reasons to have his picture taken for a drivers license, and demanding the rights of prisoners to possess religious articles such as rosaries in prison, among many other cases.

The ACLU has also defended Rush Limbaugh in his attempt to keep his medical records confidential and worked with Jerry Falwell to allow churches to incorporate. In short, the ACLU is exactly what is claims to be: An organization dedicated to defending the civil liberties of all Americans and, far from being an anti-Christian organization, is equally dedicated to the rights of Christians as it is to the rights of Muslims, Jews, atheist, and all other Americans. The Center for Traditional American Values wishes to affirm its wholehearted support for the ACLU and rejects those who seek to undermine its work based on lies and selective memory.

Inquiries to:
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Alabama legislator advocates library purge
Alabama State Representative Gerald Allen has proposed a bill in the Alabama State House which would prohibit public schools, universities, and libraries from purchasing "textbooks or library materials that recognize or promote homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle."

Rep. Allen was quoted by the Birmingham News as saying "I guess we dig a big hole and dump them in and bury them." While it can be assumed that Rep. Allen was referring to the offensive material and not homosexuals in general, the Center for Traditional American Values nevertheless reflects on the fact that the United States spent much of the 20th Century engaged in struggles - first in World War II, then in the Cold War - against dictatorial regimes which distinguished themselves by their widespread censorship.

While elementary and high school libraries have long been battlegrounds regarding 'offensive' material, it is disturbing to think that adults - university students, public library users - may have their reading decisions made for them, even in part, by the government. A psychology student, for example, might find the DSM-IV - the American Psychiatric Association's handbook of disease - removed from the library. A Biology student may not be able to read important journals on genetics. Art students may be unable to find a biography of Andy Warhol due to stories about his friends. Film students would be unable to access any number of important films - and of course, students of literature might find their resources cut by large percentages.

It is impossible to overstate the danger to our way of life of proposals like Rep. Allen's and the attitude they represent. Book-burning tactics belong to fascism or communism, not American democracy. The Center for Traditional American Values calls upon the Alabama State House, and any other legislative body in the nation who may be faced with similar bills in the future, to reject out of hand any attempt to gut our nation's libraries and dictate American reading lists.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Washington State Republicans thwarted in bid to subvert democracy
The New York Times reports that a judge has denied a request for a restraining order submitted by the Washington State Republican party asking that King County cease its recount in the governor's race. King County, perhaps coincidentally, is the most populous county in Washington State and one which in the original count favored the Democratic candidate, Christine Gregoire, over the Republican, Dino Rossi, by over 100,000 votes.

The Center for Traditional American Values takes the position that for democracy to work, votes must be counted. The Republican's claim - that ballots must be machine counted and may not be checked by hand - is patently ridiculous and clearly an attempt to suppress votes for their opponent. A party which claims to represent American values should value democracy above all; instead, the Republican party of today repeatedly demonstrates its disdain for the will of the people.

The Center for Traditional American Values salutes Judge Marsha J. Pechman for her commitment to democracy and wishes the best of luck to whichever candidate wins a free and fair election in Washington State. The Center hopes that, should Mr. Rossi win, his term will not be tarnished by the anti-American actions of his party on his behalf.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Frivolous lawsuit filed by anti-environment group
The United States of America is a land of sweeping majesty and endless variety. Since the days of exploration and westward expansion, this nation has valued its environment as unique and, in many ways, the source of our strength. Careless hunting and land use in the early days have given way to a new American tradition: Conservation. In 1907, Teddy Roosevelt said: "Optimism is a good characteristic, but if carried to an excess, it becomes foolishness. We are prone to speak of the resources of this country as inexhaustible; this is not so."

The right balance of conservation and progress has not always been an easy one to strike; one important step was taken in 1973 when Congress ratified the Endangered Species Protection Act. However, a study by the Center for Biological Diversity found that in the thirty-one(*) years since the ESA was passed, one hundred eight species have become extinct. Most of those species were not on the protected list; the study found that eighty-three of the one hundred eight "experienced significant delays in gaining protection."

Given the United States' history of concern for her natural fauna, and given the harm done to endangered species by delays in the listing process, it is especially troubling that the Pacific Legal Foundation is suing to prevent forty-eight species of plant and animal from being added to the list. The Pacific Legal Foundation claims that this move will actually help these species survive - a claim which seems to fly in the face of all evidence.

The Center for Traditional American Values takes the position that the Endangered Species Protection Act is a vitally important piece of the puzzle in protecting our natural heritage. To see its effectiveness hamstrung by frivolous lawsuits brought by pro-corporation, anti-environment trial lawyers is unfortunate. The Center for Traditional American Values calls upon Congress to take action to relieve the US Fish & Wildlife Service of the burden of defending itself against such tactics and allow it to move forward with one of its most important functions: Ensuring the vital balance between progress and preservation, and protecting species in danger of extinction.

Direct all inquiries to the Center for Traditional American Values. Temporary e-mail:

(*)Corrected from "twenty-one" due to faulty arithmetic.

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